

Manifesto and type specimen

Pedestrian Tactics

80 / 24pt

Hyperwalk is a sans-serif typeface originally designed in two weights and later adapted into a variable-weight font. The design began in 2018 by Dan Taylor and has been constantly refined since.

PT-F5 / 120 / 48pt


PT-F5 / 80 / 48pt


Body - 80 / 24pt

Hyperwalk was initially designed as a typographical logo for the music and multimedia project Pedestrian Tactics.

The limited character set was later refined to serve as headline text for the project's website and collateral.

100 / 48pt

PT-T62 Ill Gates -
Animal (Pedestrian Tactics Remix)

In 2023 the typeface was expanded further with a thorough kerning table, additional punctuation, and diacritics for other latin-based languages.

120 / 128pt


120 / 36pt

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Quo plebiscito decreta a senatu est consuli quaestio Cn. Possumusne ergo in vita summum bonum dicere, cum id ne in cena quidem posse videamur? Quod idem cum vestri faciant, non satis magnam tribuunt inventoribus gratiam.

80 / 128pt


110 / 36pt

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Quo plebiscito decreta a senatu est consuli quaestio Cn. Possumusne ergo in vita summum bonum dicere, cum id ne in cena quidem posse videamur? Quod idem cum vestri faciant, non satis magnam tribuunt inventoribus gratiam.

Size 80pt

Weight 80

Letter spacing 0em

abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ 0123456789 (edit me)

120 / 128pt / -0.05em

Fuel Gauge →

120 / 64pt


100 / 24pt

This product contains the chemical Methylethylkeocreaceratine which is known by the state of California to cause uncontrollable cravings for ramen. Please exercise caution when using this product.

90 / 16pt

If you're interested in using Hyperwalk or a customized version of Hyperwalk in your own applications please contact me for more information.

Contact me